Router connection issue (2.4 GHz)

After I installed the Firewall I cannot access my router from the 2.4 GHz Wifi anymore. I can still access through 5 GHz wifi. Why could that be?

Try disabling the firewall driver. Does the issue persist?

Sry, but where do I disable the drivers?

Right click on your Adapter > Properties and uncheck the Comodo Firewall Driver

Unfortunately the issue is exactly the same after I disable the drivers.

Reboot with the Driver disabled and check if the issue is still there.

Issue exactly the same after reboot as well.

I don’t see it as anything to do with the Firewall then to be honest

What make of Router?

OK maybe just crossed my mind after the installation. I have a Asus AC87U router. Use it over SSL with a own port number. Have been doing this for a while. Cannot see what kind of router issue it might be.

I’ve seen similar with Netgear, but not this one

I would uninstall CFW completely, reboot and if still the same then work on the Router settings. Default Windows Firewall would be quite enough until the Router is working as you want