Rootkits + bug report help

Hi guys i love your product comodo
But i have a questions:

Can a root kit bypass a firewall without being noticed on active connection ??

  1. ???

and for the Bug report where do i find the reports so i can mail them to comodo ?
thanks infront

sorry for the title ishould have wrote question about the root kit

Hi ranget,

If it was on the system before CIS got installed it’s very possible, if not it’s a lot less likely but nothing is 100% secure so it is possible

88) ???

and for the Bug report where do i find the reports so i can mail them to comodo ?
thanks infront

Are you refering to “Ooops you found a bug” message?
it should be in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Comodo\cisdumps you can post them here Comodo Forum

thanks for the help