Right version?

I upgraded from to using the patch. About tells me I have got the version but Add/Remove tells me I still have the version. Which is right and should I be worried? How can I tell I have the right version? I tried reinstalling afresh but the machine wouldn’t boot so I went back to a restore point - I don’t want to try that again.

No issues with apart from increased start up time compared to (should be quicker?) and a slower GUI.


welcome to the forums Jobshope.

A number of people have had problems using the patch to upgrade. I suggest you download the full version and install that. Before you do, however, you need to make sure all traces of the previous version have been removed. this includes files and folders on your hard disk and entries in your registry.

Is there a guide to removing all traces? I didn’t enjoy the experience when I previously tried to install the full version!

No guide for V3 as yet, however, remove the old version with Add/Remove programs. Then check the following locations:

C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall
C:\Documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\Comodo\Firewall Pro
C:\Documents and settings\Your name\Application Data\Comodo\Firewall Pro

The registry settings can be found under:

HKLM\System\Software\Comodo\Firewall Pro

Just check those locations and make sure they are free of data

HKLM\Software\Comodo Group\CDI\1
shows version after ultra clean uninstall of 268.
‘About’ in GUI displays 276


So does mine. Guess that short cut wasn’t updated to 276.

Well, I cleaned out 276 as instructed and still had the same problem as before. My machine wouldn’t boot, just gets stuck on the loading screen, hard close required, restore etc. So (very reluctantly) I’m giving up and going over to OAS.

Thanks for your help.