Review of Comodo Time Machine at Downloadsquad

If any of the support guys are free could I get a response to my 8801 Error problem? It’s on a XP system.

Thanks Melih.
I’ve hided the Linux partition and uninstalled TrueCrypt.
I’ve managed to install CTM and now I’ll try to boot. Wish me luck :wink:

I am looking forward to the newest version. I have CTM on one laptop and have never had to use it… thank goodness.

And I have RollbackRx on two of my desktops.
One BIG difference for the better in favor of CTM is the snapshot defragging.

It takes FOREVER to defrag the snapshots with Rollback but with CTM they are done in a blink of an eye.

You can schedule to defrag them when your computer is idle.
Just use Windows Tasks for: ctmcmd.exe /d
And schedule to run at idle time. It will save time when you boot the machine (specially if you take a lot of snapshots).