Restore not working in Win 7 VM in OSX

I’ve been testing the software and am having trouble getting files to show up using the Restore process.

Neither Files or Folders selected from a cbu file show back up, even when I’m required to finish the process after a reboot of the Win7 VM.

“The Restore destination is in use. Do you want to schedule a restore at the next boot?” Error code 15 and it suggested to try doing it on the next reboot but if failed too with error 46, further trying to do it again I see that one backup could be done in “Clean” Restore mode and another in “Append Files” mode. I’m trying to restore something to the Desktop. And also trying to restore to the default location (I assume meaning to its orig place).

Any ideas?



Error code 46 appears if the .cbu file is not accessible.
This can mean that the path of the backup file is not visible after restart. Thanks.
The error 15 code means that the restore destination is busy and a restart is required.

Do you get error 15 when trying o restore to the desktop?
Do you still get this error if you restore to a location that it isn’t used, such as “C:\Example”?
The log files would be helpful. You can enable logging to file into “Settings” TAB.
