...\Repair\Bases.cav is wasting 1 GB per week.

Because I use Partition Image backups I have no use for
C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\repair
nor for
C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\repair\Bases.cav.

A daily INCREMENTAL image backup is an extra 140 MByte per Bases.cav per day = 1 GB per week.
I can live with the need for the live …\scanners\base.cav of 1 GB per week,
but another 1 GB per week for a never needed …\repair\Bases.cav is unreasonable.

Is there a “legal” way for me to stop the daily updating of …\repair\Bases.cav.
I am sure that the …\repair\ folder was frozen when I used version 3.

If there is no “legal” way I am strongly tempted to seize control and either :-
replaces the FILE Bases.cav with a FOLDER named Bases.cav,
or replace the FOLDER …\repair\ with a FILE …\repair.

I would appreciate any warning of any “■■■■■ trap” I might encounter if I yield to the temptation to meddle.

What is the use of …\repair\Bases.cav being the same as yesterday’s data base.
If I do not use the computer on the day that a fatal update once more steals 100% of the CPU,
then the following day I suspect that …\repair\Bases.cav will get the “benefit”
and if the bug has not been fixed then …\scanners\base.cav will also steal 100% CPU,
and replacing with …\repair\Bases.cav will not get the PC working either,
and unlike Version 3 where …\repair\Bases.cav was static
we no longer have a viable Bases.cav (until I restore the partition image)


I see no legal problems when you would not update the repair folder or bases.cav.

You can basically use any version of bases.cav without running in practical troubles.



I deleted the file …\repair\base.cav and replaced with a file the same name.
CIS still wasted 1 GB per week because the updates get accumulated as bases.$$$,
and my intervention merely prevented the file bases.$$$ from being renamed as Bases.cav,
so I still had unwanted junk.

On Secondary HDD I created folder E:\Junctions
Copied entire C:.…\repair\ folder to E:\Junctions
Renamed C:.…\repair\ as C:.…\repair_
Start > Run > CMD.EXE

cd /d C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security
C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security>MKLINK /J Repair E:\Junctions\repair
Junction created for Repair <<===>> E:\Junctions\repair

C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security>dir r*
 Volume in drive C is Primary Hard Drive
 Volume Serial Number is 3E16-BCE7

 Directory of C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security

04/02/2011  18:38                12 registration.txt
19/03/2011  16:21    <JUNCTION>     Repair [E:\Junctions\repair]
19/03/2011  10:32    <DIR>          repair_
               1 File(s)             12 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  35,795,427,328 bytes free

Then I compared the contents of C:.…\Repair\ with C:.…\repair_\ and found no discrepancies to fix,
and then purged C:.…\repair_\

The unwanted …\repair\bases.cav is now only an irritating waste of space on a spare drive,
and no longer consumes 1 GB per week in incremental backups.

Life is so much sweeter.


I am also trying to figure out the purpose of this “repair” folder. I love CIS & would recommend it to anyone hands down over any other security software as it is the ONLY security software I will use, but for me this “repair” folder is useless.

I havn’t been able to find an “official” purpose of this folder, but I assume it is used for the uninstall option of “repair”, which really doesn’t help me any even if CIS gets corrupted, because for much less hard drive space I can just simply download the CIS installer & re-install if I have a problem.

My only solution currently has been adding the “repair” folder to my inclusions in CCleaner. I just wish that the “repair” folder wouldn’t be replaced every time I update my virus database.