
I downloaded comodo but I got mighty sick of “in your face” pop ups continually. It got very old. So I remove3d it. I thought I removed everything


I do not want this application in my pc. So how do I remove it? AND is there any more comodo junk still lurking in my pc?

If you click on remove it should remove everything.

Please see this post. There are links to some removal tools which will likely be very helpful.

By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, which sort of popups are you referring to? CIS is actually very configurable, and if you let me know more details about what the problem was I can probably make some helpful suggestions.


I’m having problems with Privdog and want to remove it. Tried using the uninstall program from the control panel. Privdog does not appear on the program list now but is still actively working in the browser. How do I get rid of privdog totally?


Windows 8.1
Firefox 25.0.1

Hi and welcome cjfortin,
Remove it from your Firefox extensions list if it is present.
How to remove extensions and themes-Firefox

Kind regards.

Hi. I’ using Comodo Internet Security Pro 2013. I do NOT want PrivDog. Every single day, I get an alert asking for permission to install it.
I told CIS I didn’t want it, I don’t download it, and consider this an intrusion. I’m quite cross; I don’t expect my new, paid-for, security program to try and sneak software past me!

So - How do I instruct CIS never to attempt this again?

Edited to add: I’ve just discovered that I have acquired a PrivDog installation. The uninstaller wants to know which plug-ins to remove? List includes my browsers, Comodo Dragon and Comodo Ice. Do I need to uninstall it from the Comodo products as well as the browsers?

Hi and welcome Cherryaa,
PrivDog is a browser extension, if you remove it from all browsers via the PrivDog uninstaller it will be removed from the system.

What alert is showing daily, maybe attach a screenshot of the alert?

Thank you.

Hi, Captainsticks. Thanks for your reply.

I ran the uninstaller a few hours ago, then just now Comodo gave me an alert to get “the next layer of internet security” … PrivDog 88)

It’s really irritating. How can I stop it?

Next time I see an alert, I’ll grab it.

Was it like a promotional pop-up? What other Comodo Products do you have installed? Some of the products come with Comodo Message Center activated by default, so it could be for example Comodo Internet Security showing you that pop-up.

Thanks, Sanya - the alert today was a promotional pop-up, yes.

My original complaint was about a Windows system alert, requesting permission to install PrivDog. Since I ran the uninstaller, I’ve received the promotional popup. I don’t think I have a Message Center, there’s nothing about it in the Comodo control panel.

Searching my hard drive led to one remaining instance of “privdog”, in C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\installer_init.xml. I commented out the PrivDog entry. No idea whether this’ll work!

You can check this video on how to disable Comodo Message Center in CIS: Comodo Internet Security - Bring back task to foreground & Comodo Message Center - YouTube Just to make sure that it is indeed disabled. :wink:

This software is insidious. :cry:

Apparently, if you want Comodo Free, a software of renoun, with an excellent reputation for protecting the vested interests of PC users everywhere … you must now download and install Privdog, whether you want to or not.

This dog humps your leg until you finally have had enough, and kick it in the balls. >:-D

The install of Comodo offers you the option not to install Privdog. But when you finish the job, you find it was installed anyway. You also receive PUPs and TWO irritating adds to your Startup list. Then there is the Extension, or its equivalent in other browsers, that it doesn’t tell you about. >:(

To get rid of it [in Win7], I went to Glary Utilities. But the Uninstall Manager did not do the job. First, I had to use the Startup Manager to locate the Privdog entry, and also the GeekBuddy entry, and remove them. Then to Chrome and find and remove the Privdog Extension. Then a reboot allowed me to use the Uninstall routine to run the complete removal. But it was still there. So after yet another reboot, I was able to see that the entry for Privdog was gone. :azn:

Just for good measure, I ran Malwarebytes and removed three apparently unrelated PUPs. Now I am back to normal and running much faster. ;D

This software should never have been allowed by Comodo. It can do nothing but detract from the reputation of an otherwise beneficial program. Comodo Free has been around for years and has been respected by all. Why!? Really!! :-TD

I agree that the option to not to instaall PD are convoluted.

You also receive PUPs and TWO irritating adds to your Startup list.
What are you referring to?
Then there is the Extension, or its equivalent in other browsers, that it doesn’t tell you about. >:(
You mean Privdog?

To get rid of it [in Win7], I went to Glary Utilities. But the Uninstall Manager did not do the job. First, I had to use the Startup Manager to locate the Privdog entry, and also the GeekBuddy entry, and remove them. Then to Chrome and find and remove the Privdog Extension. Then a reboot allowed me to use the Uninstall routine to run the complete removal. But it was still there. So after yet another reboot, I was able to see that the entry for Privdog was gone. :azn:
You could have uninstalled PD and GB from Programs and Features quick and painless.
Just for good measure, I ran Malwarebytes and removed three apparently unrelated PUPs. Now I am back to normal and running much faster. ;D
This software should never have been allowed by Comodo. It can do nothing but detract from the reputation of an otherwise beneficial program. Comodo Free has been around for years and has been respected by all. Why!? Really!! :-TD
Privdog is from Comodo. It blocks ads and trackers and with default settings it will deliver sanitized ads that are free of malware and from trusted source.

I had been an avid user of Comodo PFW until some time ago when I un-installed it due to the ever (seemingly) increasing number of ads for its own services it threw up at me. I recently switched back to Comodo and it asked to install PrivDog at the end of the installation. I denied its request, and yet I find it nags me each time I boot to finish this installation. Is once not enough for an answer? I don’t feel I was properly informed as to what this software does, and I don’t feel respected as a user when it ignores my wishes and continues to harass me to install it regardless.

You could have uninstalled PD and GB from Programs and Features quick and painless.

We shouldn’t have to do that if we initially denied its request to install. There should be no second step.

Given that this software appears to install regardless of peoples wishes, or harasses users even if they denied its install, I would give this software the title of “Malware”. Something I expected to be protected against whilst using Comodo.

Just giving my 2 pennies worth on the matter.

Hi ahnwee,
Simply click the customize installer, deselect PrivDog then click back to continue.
Then agree to install and the installation will complete minus PrivDog.
If at anytime you click cancel the installation will abort.
Note: User error does not make a program malicious.
CIS Premium – Installation

Kind regards.