Registry key cleaner

So i was looking at CCleaner or either Auslogics Registry Cleaner. Which of these would you guys recommend? Is there another cleaner that is freeware which you guys would recommend, something not too complicated seeing how i dont want to mess with registry keys too much. Also was thinking about downloading Auslogics Disk Defrag or should i just use defrag that came with windows??

I have no experience from Auslogics, however, I know that CCleaner is a pretty safe cleaner as it won’t find very much in the registry.

Have you considered Comodo System Cleaner?

Registry cleaners :

  • Comodo System Cleaner
  • CCleaner
    (if you’re an expert : regseeker)

Defraggers :


pillow fight! ;D

try this one too :-TU

advanced system care

I’ve been using jv16 power tools for years, has a few issues with windows 7, but really does work well.

ccleaner is great, i use it every day, with a few customised options for cleaning, again it ha s few issues with windows 7.

I like CSC but I still feel a little uneasy with it… It does seems to find things ccleaner misses…

Personally I use jkdefrag with a few advanced scripts for different situations.

The thing I like about all of these is that none need to be installed, they can all be run as portable apps. My goal is working towards a system where every application I need is portable, it makes restoring a system a breeze.

I’ve heard some bad things about ASC. Personally i wouldn’t go near it.

I wouldn’t recommand using CCleaner. Well, you can use it, but only for internet history and stuff. DO NOT use for registry cleaning.

To prove my point I’ll tell ya a little story that happened to me:

about a month ago, I used CCleaner as I always do about every week. When I cleaned the registry errors, there were no problem altogether, however, when I restarted my comp…

It changed into a complete larva. It took about 10 minutes just to get into the C: drive.

I had to reload a previous version of my computer from several weeks ago to restore my registry.

the point is that ccleaner is not made by Microsoft corporation, therefore the program seen vitals regristry keys as error and erased them.


very surprising

i stopped with reg cleaners,
results are always the same, the machine has a new trouble every day after a super giga cleaner.
they all say they’re the best and so usefull.
but take care on what u install and use revo uninstaller with the max scan to be sure u delete almost 100% of the prog you uninstall.