вопрос про настройки для reget-а

подскажите, пожалуйста, правила для reget-а

FTP Client (FTP-клиент):

  1. Allow Access To Loopback Zone:
    Allow TCP OR UDP Out From To Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is In [Local Ports]
  2. Allow Outgoing FTP Connection Requests:
    Allow TCP Out From In [Internet Zone] To [url Servers] Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is 21
  3. Allow Incoming FTP-DATA Requests:
    Allow TCP In From [url Servers] To In [Internet Zone] Where Source Port Is 20 And Destination Port Is In [Non-Privileged Ports]
  4. Allow Outgoing FTP-DATA Requests (для пассивного режима):
    Allow TCP Out From In [Internet Zone] To [url Servers] Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is In [Non-Privileged Ports]
  5. Allow Outgoing DNS Requests:
    Allow UDP Out From In [Internet Zone] To In [DNS Servers] Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is 53
  6. Block and Log All Unmatching Requests:
    Block And Log IP In/Out From Any To Any Where IP Protocol Is Any

спасибо за правила для FTP-клиента…

а ReGet Deluxe это FTP-клиент?

Оказывается, не только. Это менеджер закачек (и FTP, и HTTP, и HTTPS). Я и забыл про последние. ;D
Надо ещё 2 правила добавить в начало списка (главное, чтобы до запрещающего) или объединить их в одно путём создания группы портов 80+443:

• Allow TCP Out From In [Internet Zone] To Any Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is 80
• Allow TCP Out From In [Internet Zone] To Any Where Source Port Is In [Local Ports] And Destination Port Is 443

большое спасибо!