
Hello Comodo and Comodo users!

I am a new romanian user of Comodo products and I would like to express some opinions if possible.
I watch for some time at the English and Romanian forum and I can say I am very pleased with what I’ve learned about Comodo on these forums. First of all, I was impressed by a video presentation from Melih about what’s Comodo; very simple and very effective! :-TU
I was equally impressed by the fight that gives the board against the attacks to denigrate the credibility to the Comodo products (at least that I understood) and how users were involved in the rejection of these accusations which had no coverage. I think these attacks are normal considering the quality of Comodo product that will affect the market of classical AV…

One thing that seemed as important is the opportunity created to users wich can learn more about Comodo in our language (I refer here to the Romanian forum). I really liked the presentation in detail on this forum from Comodo Sandbox because I think that is what makes it special and superior to other products. It looked very nice from some Romanian users that have taken the time to make product presentations (the reviews on youtube I thought were cool when I could see how Comodo behaves with real malwares! :-TU ).

I want to thanks this way to Comodo and users of Comodo that convinced me to use Comodo Internet Security which now represents the product I’m looking for: a product to protect the system against UNKNOWN threats on the Internet!

Good job Comodo and keep up the good work! :-TU :-TU :-TU

Best regards,

Welcome to the forums, victor23!

Nice to hear that you trust COMODO! :wink:


like blacklist said welcome to the forums
comodo is really awsome and like you i have learned a whole lot in these forums :ilovecomodo:

Bine ai venit ! Te felicit pentru alegerea ta de a folosi CIS ! Este cu mult peste antivirusii conventionali (parerea mea) si daca nu te deranjeaza cateva popup-uri pe ici pe colo, atunci o sa ai parte de o protectie mai avansata !

Welcome ! I congratulate you for your choice on using CIS ! It’s way above conventional av software (imo) and if you don’t mind a few pop-ups here and there, then you will have a more advanced protection !

Welcome to the Comodo Forum! I had exactly the same experience 1 1/2 years ago when I first downloaded and installed CIS v3.8 and I haven’t had a single reason be disappointed with my decision since I have had no detections of Malware on either one of my computers since Comodo Internet Security took over!


Welcome to the forums, victor23!

Glad you decided to choose Comodo because product quality is reflected in the protection that it offers against unknown threats on the Internet (this is the difference in my opinion that makes superior to conventional AV). 8)