Recommendations for returning user?

Hi all - just joined here. My question is this - I have used CMPv2 on XP machines before and always thought highly of it. Now have laptop and desktop running Vista - they are networked with each other, the desktop has a VPN to the office and I have a NAS drive (Slug) attached. I consider myself a moderately knowledgable user - I like to have some idea of, and control over, what my firewall is doing but don’t want (after initial configuration and settling-in period) to be bothered endlessly to authorise everything I do. Would you recommend that I give v.3 a try now or is it still beset with teething problems? Thanks.

Give it a try , NOW !!! ;D

Well defense + will give you less pop-ups than the V.2 normally, but if you don’t like it: just disable the defense + and you still have the leak proved firewall :slight_smile:


Your better off leaving D+ enabled. Give Comodo a good week and it will calm down. You can also use training mode for a week till most of your programs are learned.

Well, IF you go for the Learning mode only, be sure that your computer is clean, but then really certain

Most pc’s are clean. I use NOD32 and SuperAntiSpyware. I also run a on demand scanner of Spybot once a week. Never ever been infected in over 5 years.

Thanks - think I’ll give it a try and see how I get on.

If you do, please post your impressions and perhaps call for help ! :wink:
