Re: leaktest

I used to have zone alarm firewall as it passed a leaktest . Now i find that comodo is in the same league . I put this through the firewall leak tester and it passed . Good to have all in one security without downloading individual software . The only comment i have is i downloaded the comodo cloud that found loads of errors on my pc . i couldnt delete them as i had to i think give my credit card details for the buddy geek thing . Other than that.Impressed with comodo can i say its priceless . Keep up the good work . Will have to download someth ;D ;Ding else to clear my errors .

Download Comodo System Cleaner - it will clean your system of error, junk files.

What leaktest did you use? Can you provide a link to it?

Welcome to the Comodo club.

If you like leak testing check out Matousec’s Proactive Security Challenge and then see where Zone Alarm is compared to Comodo.

What do you mean with Comodo Cloud? Comodo Cloud Scanner?