Hello, I have a similar issue. I have random BSOD without any know reason.

It isn’t when I restart or anything like that. It’s just I am using the computer normally (or away from keyboard, but turned on) and suddenly appears a BSOD with the text “driver_irql_not_less_or_equal (inspect.sys)”. If I am Away From Keyboard sometimes I just find that the computer is restart (because I’m not log on my windows profile), and I though that is for that problem.

It’s very random because it happens when you less expect that. Sometimes I can have the computer turned on for a entire week and doesn’t happen until the 10th day, and others I turn on the computer and in the same day I have two BSOD.

I had tried to erase inspect.sys and to reinstall Comodo but it’s still happening. I am on Windows 10 updated for Windows 8.1, that I thought can be the problem, so I’ll go to do a clean installation and try if that works.

I write this message in this topic because I think that is a similar bug, but maybe I was wrong and I must create a different topic because it is a different issue. Sorry if that the case.

EDIT: I’m having this problem since july of last year, with the Comodo version of that time. I have update to any new version that are being released but the problem still happening.

@Just_An_User, it is hard to tell without memory dumps.

I send you a PM with the minidump.


The issue you are experiencing is different. I’ve split your posts. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Could you check this issue with version <> BETA?
After installation, please read following :;msg839384#msg839384

Thank you.

Hello, thanks for the answer, I’ll check it but like I said I having this issue for a year ago (I know that because it’s since I updated to Windows 10 in the firsts days) and I install every update on this time that have been released, so I am a little sceptic. But I’ll give it a try.

Thanks again for the help and regards.

Please check with Comodo Internet Security V10.0.0.6071 Beta thanks.