Questions About Configuring Firewall

A friend of mine informed me about Comodo and I thought I would give it a shot. I formerly used zonealarm.

Comodo appears to have a great interface but there is going to be some learning curve for me. As I have searched the forums I have noticed a few things.

There don’t appear to be any “how to posts” on configuring firewall for the current version of comodo internet. There are older post referring back to ways to tweak settings when comodo was a stand alone product. For instance:

Many of the how to posts are under previous version and do not apply to the current version. As a newbie it is near impossible to know which ones cross over and which ones don’t. An example is one post stated, “You can go to miscellaneous → Manage my configurations and choose select, and pick “optimum security”. Reboot and see if this does it for you.”

Several posters refer to a Firewall Behavior Setting of “Training In Safemode”
I do not have that option either. I have a safemode and a trademode but nothing that is combined.

I wish that some of that translated so I would know how to set up my comodo for maximum safety and protection.

I have my current configuration set to safemode with my alerts at high. I wasn’t sure how to set the alerts.

I am not sure how to set the attack detection settings.

I am trying to understand the predefined firewall policies and whether I need to remove anything or alter anything there.

Any help or directing me to an existing post so no one has to repeat themself would be greatly appreciated.

Kents Store Gal

Have a look here

Setting up Defense+ for maximum security:;msg219401#msg219401

Setting up Firewall for maximum security:;msg219892#msg219892

These go over setting up Comodo for the highest security levels. They both have screenshots to make it easier :SMLR

This is how my Defense+ and Firewall is set up, and its working really well.

Several posters refer to a Firewall Behavior Setting of "Training In Safemode" I do not have that option either. I have a safemode and a trademode but nothing that is combined.

‘Training in Safe Mode’ and ‘Training Mode’ are, as far as I know, the same thing. ‘Training in Safe Mode’ is what ‘Training Mode’ used to be called.

Sorry if thats a little confusing lol (:NRD)

Thank you so much! That was very helpful. :BNC

Kents Store Gal

No worries :■■■■