Questions Abound


Thanks for any advice offered.

I’ve installed CPF Pro. While installing I didn’t choose Automatic set-up which is perhaps a mistake. However, since the firewall is functioning I’m hoping to get answers/advice on these questions:

  1. Component Monitor is in learn but there are no entries below it. Is that normal?

  2. When I look at connections, if I have IE& open, there are numerous connections. As a novice is this normal? Should IE be connected so many times?

  3. Firefox connects and has connections to different IP’s. Is that normal?

  4. I’ve read the various posts on Network Control rules. I’m lost. 0-4 are allowed and the last is blocked. Does this sound correct or should I do something there. I’ve read the post/guide for it but still find myself a bit puzzled about it.

Any advice is appreciated.


  1. Yes. It takes time for CFP to learn your system as well as programs that connect to/from the internet. Try clicking on the Refresh button.
  2. IE, or any browser at that, having many connections is normal even if you only have one tab/instance of a web page. If there is only one connection, loading/browsing sites would probably be very slow.
  3. Yes. Depending on the site you’re visiting, there may be different sub-sites or links that are loaded among other things. (I think)
  4. Please post a screenshot of your rules. The NetMon rules are sequential from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority).

I’ve attached the image.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Without actually being able to see all of your rules (because some of them are truncated), they look to be the same defaults as the auto setup. I forgot where in this forum that shows a detailed explanation of each rule. Let’s just put it this way: the defaults is sufficient for standard use.

The first is TCP/UDP Out - only programs that you have allowed in the AppMon rules (and in CFP’s certified known applications) is allowed to connect out.

The last is IP In/Out - basically the opposite, but the IP protocoal covers everything in addition to TCP and UDP, in that it blocks everything. You need this rule no matter what your setup is.

Again, rules go from top to bottom. The middle ICMP rules are for miscellaneous purposes like routing, and some applications need it in order to work. Hopefully someone else can provide more details.