question about the antivirus

ok, just download the firewall and the virus scan. is launch pad the virus scanner? when after installation my windows sercurity alerts comes up and say that i have no virus scanner installed but i installed it. also i have system mechanics pro and it says i dont’ have a scanner either. and one know whats up with that

No need to worry :). CAVS doesn’t register with WSC yet but will do eventually. Rest assured that you are protected.

Edit: You may have downloaded CAVS 1.1. In this case, LaunchPad may have been included in this version. LaunchPad is no longer available with the latest versions of CFP or CAVS.


LaunchPad is no longer available with the latest versions of CFP or CAVS
Hmm...I'm more than confused with this remark you made. I have the lastest version of CFP Pro and it indicates in my System Tray "Comodo Launch Pad Running." If Comodo Launch Pad is not included in the lastest versions of CFP Pro and CAVS, why is there indication of such in my System Tray?

If you are still using CAVS 1.1 then you will have Launch Pad. If you still wish to have easy access to cotrol of CAVS 1.1 then I am afraid you are stuck with it.
If you have installed CAVS 2 beta then the launch pad will have been left over from the 1.1 installation or an earlier firewall installation. If you search the forums you will find out how to remove Launch Pad (basically you have to delete it).



You’ve got LaunchPad because of CAVS 1.1, that’s all. If you do not want it, it’s easy enough to remove… Some users like it, some don’t; Comodo stopped using it (for the time being, anyway) because a number of users that didn’t like were quite adamant. ;D

Loc420, as Graham1 notes, CAVS is not yet recognized… CAVS 1.1 (which includes LaunchPad, from which you can reach the CAVS interface) is downloaded from Comodo’s website (and some others sites as well). The current Beta, version, is only available here in the forums. It has a lot of improvements over version 1.1, but is still a Beta product, and some users have experienced technical difficulties (it is not recommended for every user at this point).


You've got LaunchPad because of CAVS 1.1, that's all.

Little Mac, thanks! I went into the registry and removed all the key values for Comodo Launch Pad. Thanks for bringing to my attention the need not to have Comodo Launch Pad. I, too, prefer the application without the Launch Pad.


No problem, Kevin! I got rid of it a while back myself… :wink:


Yeah, my computer actually loads faster without the Launch Pad and one less thing to load in the System Tray. Thereto, makes for a more attractive application. CAVS is a gem of an application. (:WIN)