I have emptied quarantine (via CIS not going to quarantine location) quite a while ago (files were actually quarantined last year but didn’t pop up in MBAM until this year) but still MBAM finds things (FPs ofc) in there but still.
I have emptied quarantine (via CIS not going to quarantine location) quite a while ago (files were actually quarantined last year but didn’t pop up in MBAM until this year) but still MBAM finds things (FPs ofc) in there but still.
CIS had blocked (quarantined) 1/2 files (MachineLearning/Anomalous100%) but hadn’t informed user aka me and didn’t find out until MBAM found those 2 (or 1) in Quarantine temp-folder.
You can put the print and the SHA-1 and SHA-256 and MD5, so we can verify this file, take a print of the MBAM screen and the temporary folder where the file is, so we can have evidence of whether it really is a threat;
As our friend @DecimaTech said, (these are leftover files that were unpacked during scanning.)
What you have to do now, try to remove it now manually, select and remove all of them or you can use a program that cleans temporary files from the operating system.
And what that program would be? Better not to be Ccleaner since got rid off that after it installed some more or less shady service w/o reason and ran with admin rights on Windows start and support was "really helpful.
You are assuming cis doesnt delete the file when it is done scanning it, the files were probably being opened by another application which prevented them from being deleted when cis was done.
Yes since I don’t have MBAM Premium and whenever CIS detected those files (and on what extracted package) and only other active scanner is MS Defender it points that CIS didn’t it’s leftovers (not a first time I must say).