Proper procedure and sequence of events for upgrading versions?

I’ve got the personal firewall v3.0.x installed and want to upgrade to the latest v3.12.x firewall (no offense, but the firewall only as I’m happy…so far…with my current AV solution). I downloaded the latest install package from the “new version available” pop-up link and read that I can uncheck the non-FW options when installing.

I’ve looked at other posts, but am not clear on the process I should take for upgrading, though. Will running the new executable take care of it and install on top of the old? Should I boot into safe mode and remove the old version from Add/Remove programs (running XP SP2), reboot and then run the install? I did see a clean-up tool for CIS on another post…will that work for the old CPF product? If there’s a specific FAQ I missed and should read, then I apologize for this post and just request a link to it. I’ll probably have a coupl eof configuration questions, but I’ll save those until I get an install complete.


P.S. I’ve got another machine with v2 of the personal firewall installed. Will the same procedure work for it too?

Hi rec

Welcome to the forum

You will have to uninstall version 3.0 before installing v3.12. The uninstaller should work fine for this but if it doesn’t you should use the cleanup utility. It will work on XP . The installer will not install on top of the old and you will have to let CIS make new rules for your apps. You will have to reboot after uninstalling.

Enjoy CIS. Any more questions just ask. V2 will need to be uninstalled as well. Use the same procedure.


You can find the mentioned clean up utility here:;msg259617#msg259617 .