Program Conflicts:Comodo Firewall, AVG Antivirus and Spamfighter Free

I just recently installed Comodo firewall on both my father’s computer (running XP Home) and my own computer (running XP Pro). I was initially quite impressed with the apparent operation of the firewall. The “fun” began" on both computers, when I tried to access the email, Outlook Express. Firstly, AVG email scanner became locked in an never ending loop. It was extremely difficult to to shut off the email scanner. Eventually, this task was successful but the email scanner would no longer operate? and secondly internet access was disabled. On my computer, (I worked on it today, July 6) I restored my computer to a previous date prior to the install of Comodo and the problems “disappeared”. On my father’s computer (XP Home, which I worked on several days ago), I tried deleting AVG antivius, deleting Spamffighter and reinstalling them but the problems of the the email scanner becoming locked in a loop and internet access removed persisted? I deleted and reinstalled Outlook Express and checked for remnants of previous editions of AVG and Spamfighter in the registry for removal.

After several removals and installs of AVG and the eventual omission of Spamfighter the email scanner loop “disappeared” and Outlook Express functioned properly;Internet access was reestablished.

There are obviously some conflicts with Comodo and other programs? Are steps being taken to correct such conflicts???

Thanks for any information that is supplied!

take a look at these. Probably will help with your problem

How to make AVG e-mail scanner function with Personal Firewall,659.0.html

Tutorial for online gaming with CPF,668.0.html