Problems with reporting potential security issues


  1. I found an issue that I think might be a security risk in CIS. I tried emailing the address shown on for “report security bugs” and got an automatic response that included “Your message was rejected by the recipient’s domain because the recipient’s email address isn’t listed in the domain’s directory”. If that email address is incorrect then please correct it.

  2. I cannot use the “Report Security Vulnerabilities” form without including a work email address. There are people who don’t have work email addresses, and even if I do, I might not want to involve my employer in my report. Please allow non-work email addresses to send reports through that form.

You can always just submit a bug report here on this forum in the “Bug Reports - CIS” section.
Comodo Staff will read it and respond to it (may take a while).

Maybe you can try this page.

Not sure if it sends it to the same email.

Hi sinclair,

Thank you for reporting the problem with email address. We will check this.
Please send me a PM about the security issues that you have mentioned.