Problems running download managers inside the container.


I have the free version of Comodo firewall version and Windows 10 21H2. I’ve tried different download managers like Free Download Manager, Jdownloader and the default download manager inside firefox, but I had the same result. All these softwares when downloads start, in addition to the original file that has temporarily the dimension of 0kb, they create an additional file named exactly like the original, but with the addition of the .part extension (like video.mp4.part). When the downloading process ends, the software tries to rename the file with the .part extension to the original file name (for example from video.mp4.part to video.mp4). If the software is run inside the container, this renaming process takes a very very long time to be completed depending on the file dimension, while it takes seconds if the software is run normally, outside the container. The partition I use for downloads is selected in “Do not virtualize access to specified files/folder” and I’ve also disabled windows defender and windows firewall, hips and virusscope, but with no luck. So I was wondering if this is just how the container works or if there’s an option I could select to speed up this renaming process.

A big thank you in advance.

Hi fabres,

Thank you for reporting.
Let me check and update you.


Hi fabres,

We are checking on this.
May i know whether you are using these software externally on windows or using as addons on firefox browser ?


I use the firefox extension with free download manager, so after I click on a link, the software starts already in the container. Sometimes with firefox I right-click on a link and select “Save link as” to download using the download manager inside firefox. I don’t use an extension for Jdownloader, I just copy a link and paste it into the program.

Hi fabres,

Thank you for providing the requested information.
We will check and update you.


Great! Thank you very much!