problem with Web-Developer Server Suite and Comodo Antivirus

I have instaled Web-Developer Server Suite ( It work good.

After that I have instaled Comodo Antivirus and the web server do noting(is blocked).

This is the error log:

“[error] (OS 10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. : Child 2164: Encountered too many errors accepting client connections. Possible causes: dynamic address renewal, or incompatible VPN or firewall software. Try using the Win32DisableAcceptEx directive.”

I disable HIPS Aplication control, nothing.

I exit Comodo antivirus and stil nothing.

I uninstal Comodo Antivirus, then Web-Developer Server Suite work.

I want to keep those programs on my computer.

Please, anybody know what can I do?


Alertnative AV Please… :slight_smile:


Thanks for reply Josh,

When is the big day for CAVS 3?

In CAVS 3 my problem is fixed?

Comodo Internet Security will be stil freeware, like CAVS 2, or just CAVS 3?

CAV 3 & CIS will be free FOREVER! :slight_smile:

CAV 3 will be hell stronger then CAV 2! You will see :slight_smile:

Your problem likely to be fixed. The AV Team built CAV 3 from scratch. Expecting it at the end of this month, So very very soon…
