When I try to restore a file from a full back up I have this error:

30.11.2011 21:05:53 Opening Backup…
30.11.2011 21:05:53 Opening backup file C:\Backupcomodo\Y_full_files_28_11_2011.cbu
30.11.2011 21:05:53 Initializing Restore Information…
30.11.2011 21:05:53 Restoring full backup
30.11.2011 21:05:53 Reading backup information…
30.11.2011 21:06:04 An error occurred while reading information from backup.
30.11.2011 21:06:04 Checking if restore destination is in use
30.11.2011 21:06:04 Restoring items content…
30.11.2011 21:09:30 Processing item C:\Documents and Settings\w12\Desktop\Y_\dati\CLIENTI\CAPO ALESSANDRO
30.11.2011 21:09:30 Processing item C:\Documents and Settings\w12\Desktop\Y_\dati\CLIENTI\CAPO ALESSANDRO\DELEGA INTRASTAT.doc
30.11.2011 21:12:00 Restoring items properties.
30.11.2011 21:12:00 This might take a few minutes depending of number of files and folders restored.
30.11.2011 21:12:05 An error occurred while reading information from backup.

and then appears this screen and the program closes .

[attachment deleted by admin]

Help ??


Please try the latest exe I provided here:;msg567597#msg567597
