Problem with ISDN channel adaptor using Comodo Firewall on Vista x64

I have installed Comodo Firewall ( onto Vista 64 which connects to the internet using a Speedtouch 330 ADSL adaptor via USB. The Comodo Firewall does something with the Speedtouch PPP adaptor (ISDN channel) which means that the network connection is lost and there is no adaptor. My Vista 64 is fully up-to-date with all Microsoft updates. If I uninstall the Comodo Firewall then the network adaptor re-appears.

It appears as though the Comodo installation deliberately disables the ISDN channel. Unfortunately this is how the ADSL adaptor represents itself.

If anyone has any workarounds on how to re-configure the network adaptors please let me know.

If anyone knows any further diagnostics I could try to identify the problem if its my installation then also please reply.