problem with CIS update


I have constantly problem with update. CIS don´t show update proces. Only after the PC restart when I open CIS i can see newer date of virus database. I use stealth (Firewall ) mode. give me a piece of advice please.


Open CIS>Anti Virus>Scanner Settings>Real Time Scanning Do you have the following settings enabled???

Show alerts / notification messages

Automatically update virus database before scanning

The second one (‘automatically’) should be enabled in all three viz. real time, manual and scheduled scanning.

This should normally fix any virus databse update problems and should also give a tray icon message that ‘virus database is being updated’.

ich habe auch Probleme mit dem update von CIS. Das Dialog zeigt an dass 30% des Updates herunter geladen sind, bleibt aber demProzentsatz stehen. hat jemand das selbe Problem und konnte es vielleicht loesen? Waere froh um jede Hilfe.
