Problem updating Windows

Hello Folks.
Since installing the firewall I was unable to download the security updates for windows XP even though I had OK’d the popup to allow connection. I disabled Comodo and was able to download the updates manually.
Any thought on this please.
Leo (R)

Add your network as a trusted zone by using the wizard “add atrusted zone”. You will find it under the “secusity”->“tasks” tab.

Hi Pandlouk.
Thanks for the response. I did as you suggested then tried to update but no luck. I switched comodo off and tried to update again and was successful. I must say I am rather a novice and am not familiar with a lot of terms used in computing. Whilst trying to update with comodo on, I got a message asking to allow the update site to be added to the trusted zone. I clicked yes and it said “Done” but to no avail.
Still puzzled
Leo (J)