Problem connecting with AOL

I just installed Comodo firewall tonight however when I tried to connect to the internet through AOL 9 I couldn’t.

I was previously using Sunbelt Kerio and was connecting with no problems. I uninstalled Kerio using ashampoo uninstaller so it should have been removed properly.
After uninstalling Comodo I still couldn’t connect to the internet and I had to do a system restore to a couple of days ago.

After that I could connect using the Windows XP firewall enabled.

Anyone know if there is any compatibility issues between Comodo and AOL?

I’m using XP Home with all the latest patches.

Update: I did a reinstall and now everything is working fine. I have no idea what happened first time round, but anyway it’s fine now. ;D

Nice firewall by the way.

JJ 8)

Joilet Jake,
I use to use Commodo and currently thinking about using it again since the new release. I use AOL and didn’t have any problems myself…
Have you looked at AOL’s staying connected guide. If you look at:
It tells you what files you need to grant full access for with your firewall.

Hope that helps…

I did an uninstall and reinstall and everything went fine after that.

I have had problems with AOL and other firewalls before and kind of know what it’s like. :smiley:


JJ 8)