Problem all of sudden with firewall

It has been working fine for a month. Now all of sudden I have just one comodo icon on the bottow right, when I thought that there were two before. The biggest problem however is that the only thing that is “on” is the network monitor. I tried to turn the other 3 back on, but it doesn’t work. I have clicked into each one and when I click the on radio button nothing happens. I have unistalled and reinstalled the program 3 times already and it still has the same problem. I have deleted everything to do with comodo on my c: drive and in my registry. Anyone know what I can do at this point?

Can you have a look at event viewer to for entries about cmdmon.sys and cmdagent.exe? It seems application monitor driver or service cant be started. Also what does CPF tell you about this?


Where do I find the even viewer?

Right-click My Computer (on your desktop) and then select Manage. Browse to Application (Computer Management, System Tools, Event Viewer).


The logs in event viewer are blank. I double checked them and they haven’t been modified since July 2006.