Privdog problem with Huffington Post "Slideshow"

Actually, it’s at the bottom. However, I just checked and it’s working now. I’m not sure what happened, but it appears that the issue resolved itself.

Thanks for the heads up on where to look.

After some testing I found it is Privdog causing it. Your scenario where it works again can be reproduced as the result of caching. Easiest way to see that it is caching is to let CD clean cache upon exit and restart CD.

Anyway, this brings me to a shortcoming of Privdog when comparing to Ghostery (which I use on Opera 12.16). With Ghostery it is possible to disable a specific tracker to see if it is causing the lack of functionality witnessed.

See it now. Earlier we had another issue there, with another slide element.

Thank you for feedback. Hope we will be able to solve it next week.

Chiron, please try to check slideshow now. We deploy solution today, so it must be fixed.

I just checked, by navigating to the site, and the slideshow is not working. Should I try again after cleaning the cache, or should it already be working?

Let’s try clear cache. I will also check it one more time from my home machine.

Working for me now. And for you?

Okay, clearing the cache fixed it for me. I’ll let you know if the issue returns.

Thank you.