Privdog is an Adblock alternative?


My question: the Privdog addon is an alternative of the well-known Adblock addon?
Can I use together Privdog with Adblock?
Or is this totally meaningless? I need only one of them?


Hi molngab,
I personally can’t see an advantage in running both.
PrivDog is not as basic as a general adblocker, but in preference to me explaining the differences please see the sticky topics in the link below.
In particular the overviews created by Staff.
News / Announcements / Feedback - PrivDog

Also there is quite a long topic below in regards to users views when using PrivDog in combination with an adblocker.
PrivDog &AadBlock

Hope that helps.

Not really. PrivDog have different philosophy than standard adblocker. The main purpose is to sanitized ads (replacing it with ads from AdTrustMedia) and block trackers to keep the eco-system flowing. Win-win for content publisher and site visitor.

Of course this can be change, to not allow any ads at all. However by doing so, PrivDog is no longer ‘unique’. And you may find AdBlock is better in that regard.

I’m a fan of adblocking and spent literally days playing with the Proxomitron.

But now all I use is the Ghostery addon, which I’m replacing now by PrivDog.

It works almost as good as a heavy adblocker without freezing my browsing experience.

I recommend going with one extension only. And why waste your time browsing hundreds of useless sites with no purpose? No need for that.

I’ve only chosen a few.

I am now using neither Privdog nor Proxomitron. Adguard addon proved to be the easiest to use and blocks just fine. If you torture yourself with the Proxomitron, try this easy addon and forget the pain.