PrivDog 3.108.0 is now released.

If its still developed then why latest PD version here is & PD site is 4.0.27?

Hi yessnooo,
Maybe Staff will respond to this question.

Kind regards.

Don’t know if this is the correct place to post this if PrivDog is no longer a Comodo product, but just tried to install the latest version (4.x) and got an install error number 2739, and could not install. What do I do now??

Did you uninstall the previous version first? If not try uninstalling it.

AdTrustMedia is owned by the CEO of Comodo. So your question belongs here. :slight_smile:

Is adSanitizer from AdTrustMedia too?

Hi yessnooo,
The answer is in the screenshot.

Kind regards.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Nothing you couldn’t find yourself with just a tiny big of effort.

Thanxx for the info Captain.

I dont have adS… installed so asked here.

It isn’t on anymore, is this product gone now?


Please go to this website:

and click on “Get the Desktop Version”


Privdog is no longer being developed by Comodo. It’s abandoned.
