If its still developed then why latest PD version here is & PD site is 4.0.27?
Hi yessnooo,
Maybe Staff will respond to this question.
Kind regards.
Don’t know if this is the correct place to post this if PrivDog is no longer a Comodo product, but just tried to install the latest version (4.x) and got an install error number 2739, and could not install. What do I do now??
Did you uninstall the previous version first? If not try uninstalling it.
AdTrustMedia is owned by the CEO of Comodo. So your question belongs here.
Is adSanitizer from AdTrustMedia too?
Hi yessnooo,
The answer is in the screenshot.
Kind regards.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Nothing you couldn’t find yourself with just a tiny big of effort.
Thanxx for the info Captain.
I dont have adS… installed so asked here.
It isn’t on Download.com anymore, is this product gone now?
Privdog is no longer being developed by Comodo. It’s abandoned.