Maybe this is a CSC question but CCS reported the issue so I’ll post here :). Having run a power clean on my computer, CCS is still showing a high number of privacy issues (see screenshot). Is this registry location correct? (i.e Start Menu2).
There are several sections from CSC that Power Clean do not delete because there are sensitive data like bookmarks, favorites or history. Privacy Issues from CCS show all privacy data found.
I have also run a thorough scan with only services, Opera bookmarks and cookies excluded. Is “Start Menu2” a legit location? Should it be “Start Menu” because it doesn’t match up with my current Start Menu.
If you want to get the numbers down, do what I do. Go through it “line by line” Investagate each section :-La
One thing you should know, there are things that you can remove, but windows will put it right back. Unless you plan on getting extreme and very knowledgeable on what your doing, some of it is best to leave alone.