printer problems

Since I installed Comodo internet security (with firewall) I can no longer print to my wireless printer. I’ve tried everything that I know and something is blocking the printer with talking with my PC. Can anybody help me?

Are you able to use your printer after turning off CIS ?

Yes, with no issues!

I think you probably need to make the IP address of your printer or the IP range of your local network trusted.

Which of the two solutions you want?

The IP range. This would mean I could access/have my other computers access this computer with no issues?

It means you will not be blocking traffic from other computer in your network. So, when you set Windows to share certain folders of computers across the network the firewall won’t be in the way.

That would be perfect!

First look up your IP address and subnet mask. In Windows go to Start → Run → cmd → enter → ipconfig → enter → now lookup your IP address and subnet mask.

Second create a zone in My Network Zones (Firewall → Common Tasks). Choose Add → A New Network Zone → fill in a name like My local network → Apply. Now select My Local Network Zone → Add → A new address → choose An IP Address Mask → fill in your local IP something like 192.168.1.x usually and your subnet mask; usually → Apply. Now check and see the new network defined. Exit using Apply.

Now we are going to use the Stealth Ports Wizard to make your local network a trusted network (Firewall → Common Tasks):
Choose “Define a new trusted network and stealth my ports to EVERYONE else” → Next → choose “I would like to trust an existing My Network Zone” → choose your local network zone from the drop down box at the bottom → Finish.

Now check your Global Rules and see your network added