Praise and a heartfelt Thank You to COMODO

I wanted to make a point to stop by and post. COMODO is just awesome. (I use Firewall / Defense+).

So many products are hard to use, they lack polish. COMODO is complex, but well designed. I see screenshot comparisons between COMODO and other products, COMODO wins in look, feel, and polish (and functionality!).

Lots of options, good defaults, another hallmark of great software.

A manual which is easy to read, very informative, but still addresses novices. This shows care and thoughtfulness.

On top of it all, the amount of features and completeness is just staggering. Another mark of great software. I can’t see ever using anything else.

What stands out to me is the quality of your employees and their work that shows through in your products. I see complaints in the forums, and some have merit, but what’s important – what makes any shortcomings moot – is the team you have behind COMODO. Always improving, adding features, polish, simplifying, clarifying, refining.

Thank you for making firewalls easy, and for delivering the most complete and secure security suite I’ve seen.

I agree totally, as for the complaints no matter what security forum you go to there are always complaints about the product you cant please everyone. ;D


I sincerely thank you from bottom of my heart! It is so very kind of you to spend your time to write kind words about the work we are doing. It is these kind of posts that makes our day, literally!

Again, on behalf of everyone who worked so hard to “Create Trust Online” and secure tens of millions of computers worldwide at Comodo, a big heartfelt THANK YOU!

Melih & Comodo Team

COMODO isn’t just awesome, its more than that… Its the best!!

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