PPTP or SSTP VPN used by Trustconnect and Easy VPN

Hi. I can’t seem to find any info on whether Trustconnect uses PPTP or the more secure SSTP. I have used Trustconnect since its beta days, but recently read that there are a bunch of weaknesses with PPTP.

I found openvpn on my laptop so I guess that is part of the Trustconnect install process. I understand that openvpn is PPTP, so I may have answered the question myself!?

I guess Easy VPN is the same product, more or less, as Trustconnect?

Assuming it is PPTP, does anyone have any specific recommendations to make it more secure?

Any clarification appreciated. many thanks in advance.


TrustConnect really supports two types of VPN protocols - OpenVPN and PPTP.
But we strongly recommend to use OpenVPN protocol for Trustconnect connection. Comodo Windows and Linux TrustConnect client programs use OpenVPN protocol.

PPTP is an additional protocol needed for devices which doesn’t have OpenVPN client, for example iPhone/iPod.

Thanks Vadim :slight_smile: