Possible Infection

PC was dumping to BSOD randomly and IE explorer (v6) will crash with an application error. Ran all of the tools in eXperience’s post; found and cleaned quite a bit of spy/malware. BSOD seems to have stopped but IE still crashes.
Attaching HJT log, have not cleaned anything w/ HJT yet

HP Pavilion dv1000
Intel 1.60 GHz
512 Mb RAM

[attachment deleted by admin]

I looked at your HijackThis log file and found that you might be infected with the internet worm SDBOT.COV!
This is in reference to http://process.networktechs.com/aolsoftware.exe.php about C:\Program Files\AIM6\aolsoftware.exe; please also see http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=WORM_SDBOT.COV.

This was my only findings, you may want to backup this file remove it and see how your computer acts. If your computer gets better, you know that this was malware and you are safe to remove the backup copy. If your computer has no change, you know that this is not the source of your problems and you will need to update your current anti-virus software and do a full system scan.

If you need more assistance, you can PM (Personal Message) me, or contact me directly at trappmanrhett@yahoo.com .

Rhett Trappman

May be check the file properties to see who the maker is? Or try the Trend Micro online scan?

Have you tried another browser?
IE6 was stopped in development.

Or update to Internet Explorer 8 its a lot better the 6 in security means

I recomend you download it save it to desktop then install it

I also recomend you do a scan of System restore files if its truned on there are instruction here on how to do it system restore tends to backup most exe including Malware!!! (or just turn it off that will delete all malware backed up)


Hey guys, this is a very old topic and the OP has never been back.