I have used the Comodo free Internet security package for a couple of years now and I am happy with it. Based on that, I tried the Comodo rescue disk, ver. 2.0.261647.1. I made a CD from the ISO and when I booted with it, and started a scan, it reported an unspecified threat, then disappeared from the screen.
The app did not crash, the scanning program just stopped. Later, on rebooting into Windows, I noticed that four of my main Windows 7 directories were erased or damaged (Program Files, Program Files (x86), Program Data, and a directory I use for Legacy apps. There was no damage to my User directory, which is amazing.
They contained many important apps. Comodo rescue disk had created a directory on my C:\ drive called cce_linux with the following sub-directories: coredump, log, quarantine and scanners.
I have never liked the idea of using Linux on a Windows system and I am convinced that Comodo rescue disk caused the damage. I have managed to repair most of the damage and my system is almost back to normal. However, I no longer trust the rescue disk.
The damage could have come from me fiddling with the Linux setup in an attempt to get a wireless connection established from the rescue disk, but I think Comodo mistook something on my disk as a threat and tried to do something. I just don’t think it is a good idea to combine a Linux OS with Windows.
I’m wondering if anyone has encountered such file damage while using the rescue disk.