PopupSyncId2 window

I continue from here https://forums.comodo.com/firewall_help/popupsyncid2-t38987.0.html
because it very much looks like a bug.

Well, this is pretty nasty! >:(
At the moment it seems to me, like this problem on my system started not until the latest update (but of course I cannot definitely say this): Each time I open a Word or Excel file from the Desktop or the Explorer, Defense+ shows a message that the program wants access to the DNS/RPC service. This is absolutely new. Now I noticed that this happens not only if I deny this request but also when I allow it: the mentioned little window pops up (almost each time) and cannot be removed. Only a restart of the system or restarting CIS helps
No matter what is behind the new request, this is definitely a bug.

Hallo, anybody there to answer to a bug report?

The devs do most certainly read these pages but are not in the habit of replying other than in the situation where they need additional information. It’s unfortunate but that’s how things work.

Does the pop up also occur when you give the programs permission to access the DNS/RPC client?

If things go as planned there should be a beta release of the upcoming v4 later this month. Let’s see if this got fixed or not.

It seems to be quite tricky. I just tried again and found, that with one Excel file the window does not pop up at all, with another Excel file it already pops up while the Defense+ alert is not answered yet.

I get popupSyncId4 error on boot up every day suddenly for no apparent reason. Running Vista 64 bit. Need a solution cos I changed to Comodo from Zone Alarm to get away from their annoying nag screen and this is no better at the moment!

I, too, have this problem plus the PopupSyncID4 error as well. It is really very very annoying!

My system is a clean windows 7 ultimate 64bit version…

Edit: Having booted my pc today, I even got the same error message, but with PopupSyncID3 in the title. There is something really mysterious going on.

I just got this a few minutes ago after opening an Excel 2003 file, confirming to Comodo to allow Excel to “modify the user interface”? then confirming with Excel to allow macros for that file. The macro dialog was also in the top corner of my screen, so it may be that the dialog was covering the “PopupsynId2”. Other details:

  • Comodo Firewall only, ver 3.14.130099.587
  • XP SP3, fully updated
  • Excel 2003, also updated
  • new I7 860-based machine with 4GB RAM, just installed Comodo today.
  • first time running Excel under Comodo
  • Firewall security level is Custom, Defense+ level Safe.

Image of the top-left corner of my screen:

[attachment deleted by admin]

I downloaded Comodo Internet Security last week but ONLY installed the firewall.
I got an error message from Comodo ANTIVIRUS when I logged into win7 yesterday.
Today I got another error message POPupSyncId2: cfp.exe.

amazing, how consistent COMODO is - with not reacting on that bug :-TD

A workaround is to check the remember-box in the alert pop-up. If the alert pop-up doesn’t show up, the strange window doesn’t appear either.

I guess not, since I get this error window after updating: (screenshot today)

OS: Vista HP SP2 32
Error window appears upon each ‘restart’ or ‘shutdown’. When ‘OK’ is clicked, it closes Comodo completely; must reopen/re-enable.

Is there a fix or work around for this error?

Thanks for helping :smiley:


-- sreenshot of the error window attached

[attachment deleted by admin]

well, I don’t see a lot of posts re “popupsyncx” lately, but I got one today on a win 7, 64 bit machine just recently installed. After many boot ups configuring the new install with new s/w, I never got the pop up until now. There it sits, “poipupsync0”, in its little window. I have no idea what has caused this. I can say though that no M$ office products are yet installed on this machine. On my other two win 7 computers, both 32 bit, I haven’t ever seen this issue.

It would have been nice if this oddity at least identified itself as to where it was spawned from. It also be nice if someone from comodo cared to comment on this so I didn’t have submit a trouble ticket…

brief followup to last post: on subsequent, multiple reboots, I haven’t seen Mr. popup again–it just appeared once so I guess it isn’t such a big deal (just a curious artifact)…

Well I’ll move this out of ‘resolved’, since it is still happening.Hopefully it will get some attention. If Churlock posts a bug report in standard format, I’ll forward it to format verified, which will make attention more likely.

Best wishes



I have this intermittent popup window. No Error messages.
The window name and whats in the window are the same text:


It’s very random and happens every now and then,
always straight after booting, maybe once a month.
Machine is shut down most nights.

Believe this or not, the really strange thing is,
I was getting this popup on my old HP with vista!
Now it’s followed me to a brand new self build on a 512mb SSD!
This error has followed me from vista to win7 across machines and different drives :o)

Got this popup this morning and thought it’s about time I post.

Thanx for reading.


vvv Image below vvv

[attachment deleted by admin]

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (version 6.2.282872.2847)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments, so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you. PM sent.

PHatDriver has just sent me a PM informing me that this is not fixed for CIS version 6.2.282872.2847.

However, as there is not yet a formatted report (the format can be found on this page) there is very little I can do. If someone creates a formatted report I can forward this to the devs and hopefully get it fixed.

Please create a formatted report. If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to ask me.


Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (version 6.3.294583.2937)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (7.0.313494.4115)? Please respond to this topic letting us know whether it is fixed or if you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.

PM sent.

I’m sorry, but as this has been in the Incomplete section for more than a single period I must now move this to Resolved. If you are still experiencing this issue, please create a properly formatted bug report, with all required information, so that this can be forwarded to the devs.

Thank you.