
I have never,in all my life,seen so many popups(mscorsvw.exe) when installing the latest Windows Updates.
I must have clicked “Allow” 30-40 times with "remember"set.
Just what is going on

Can you check : Comodo → Defense+ → trusted vendors and see if Microsoft is in there?


Microsoft Corp.
Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Windows Publisher
Microsoft Windows component Publisher

I thought so, gonna move this…


Just one thing.
I had the same number of popups with XP and W7

I’m still getting a popup an hour after i installed the updates.
Fortunately this time it did remenber when i clicked “Allow”.At least i think it did because it has not comeback since,

This is really a nuisance.
yet another POPUP.
Someone please tell me how to get rid of it

putting it into installation mode won’t help I heart… so going into leaning mode would be the only option I guess ? :-\


I am running on “Safe Mode” at the moment so i coulde go to “Training” or “Clean” Mode with “Proactive Security”

And still it pops up
Can’t somebody tell me how to stop it.
I have really had enough of these bloody popups.

I’ve got this once it was like a corruption in windows registries after i try a weird antirootkit. Comodo was not remembering any more some actions. Some presets were not applying anymore so I uninstall Comodo and reinstalll and everything was running fine again. Not sure you need it but it is the ultimate cure if any.


  1. Download the latest CIS_Setup_3.12.111745.560

  2. Create a System Restore Point ( just in case something goes wrong )

  3. Go to the Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs, and launch the uninstall applications for Comodo Internet Security ( or from revo uninstaller )

  4. Reboot

  5. Run CIS File+Registry cleaner.bat from CIS Clean-up Tool.zip found in the forums ( not needed but it will clean tmp files or hashes )

  6. Reboot

All remaining files and registry entries for Comodo Internet Security should now be gone!

6 Install a clean fresh Comodo

7 Enjoy creating new rules … it will run better than never ( esp. if you update from time to time before ) hopefully :wink:

Thanks for your interest.
One question.
Why are you uninstalling CIS from Add/Remove and not from it’s own uninstaller?

I cured these pop-ups by making mscorsvw.exe a windows system application and ticking remember my answer.

I just paste this line from another thread :wink:

In fact if your CIS is working it will works the same way and you don’t really need cleaning more i think you can bypass the cleaner.bat step but it won’t hurt. Same for revo uninstaller (free tool ) except it apply the casual uninstall + some extras checks.

Try tcarrbrion solution first … So far i’ve got no pop-up on Vista : Good Luck :a0

Worth a try next time it rears it’s ugly head

Just tried your idea.
Will report back later

Still got the popup,i regret

Add/Remove uses the programs own uninstaller.

What do the popups say? In what mode is D+ set? It sounds like it may be in Paranoid mode. Please check.

I agree. CIS version 3 has far too many pop-ups. You know why? Because it’s got a classical HIPS! If you don’t like pop-ups, don’t blame CIS - blame classical HIPS products!

I enjoyed dealing with pop-ups for a couple of years - I used CIS and Online Armor during this period. However, I finally got sick of it. I did notice quiet periods when nothing was changing on my system. But the minute I installed or updated an application, the classical HIPS component would become noisy again.

In any case, I am still using Comodo Firewall only (Defense+ disabled, Antivirus not installed). Those of you who read Wilders will probably know my current setup (in my signature on Wilders). It’s much stronger than anything I’ve ever tried before by the way.

In conclusion, if you don’t like pop-ups (and computer “house-work”), then you won’t like Classical HIPS - stay away from Defense+, but don’t necessarily stay away from CIS - it’s got one of the best firewalls out there after all!

Final musings:
I can’t see how version 4 will be quieter than version 3 if Defense+ (a CLASSICAL HIPS) remains as one of CIS’s components. Perhaps the classical HIPS will become more of an Anti-executable perhaps.