Popup Should Separate Block Button In Two Instead of Drpdwn Options [V7B][M833]

  1. What actually happened or you saw
    Firewall block only button is hidden in sub menu

  2. What you wanted to happen or see
    Block only button in main alert window (like in CIS 5). Doesn’t have to be side by side, could be above or something. (Image is just so you could understand)

  3. Why you think it is desirable
    Its practical. When some app is annoying and I’m not quite sure what to do with it, its easier to dismiss it with a single click. And most users don’t use Block and terminate (or me at least)

  4. Any other information

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Thank you for putting this in the correct format. It has now been added to the tracker.

Thanks again.

The devs have replied that the consensus is that the amount of time it would take to implement this would be greater than the value of the change.

Thus, I will move this to Resolved.