Pop ups.

Firstly apologies if in wrong forum etc

Lately I have been getting pop up ads for Vodafone and Optical express. At presnt these only seem to appear randomly when I’ve been on Ebay or Paypal.

I’ve done a scan with Comodo AV and didn’t come up with anything. I have done a scan with Commodo Cloud scan and it did give me 11 suspicious files. All the .exe ones I have submitted for analysis but there was a about 6 dll files, an example is: MOM.Implementation.dll

Is it likely I have some malware or just legit pop ups related to the ebay site etc


Hi Ryansbibby,

If you can find the Sample file,you can submit through this link:Comodo Firewall | Get Best Personal Firewall Software for $29.99 A Year we can go to have a look at it.

Thanks and Regards,

These may be ‘normal’ adds that you get when visiting some sites…
What is the usual scenario when you gets these adds? How do they appear? (screen shots would be great)