policies for webpages.

So, I have my firewall set on custom policy mode and I have Defense plus in paranoid mode and I am using another AV. I was wondering, is there anyway to create rules by using certain websites so that I can get rid of some of the popus without losing any of my current security?

Can you explain in more detail what it is you want to do please. If you want to block certain sites, you could use the Block zone feature.

what I want to do is allow webpages that I visit most often or all the time.

In theory you can to do this, but it’s going to take some work. Ideally, you’d create a Network zone that contains the websites you wanted to be asked about, then you’d create some firewall applications rules that include this zone, something like:

Application name - firefox.exe
Action - Ask
Protocol - TCP
Direction - Out
Source Address - Any
Destination Address - You defined network zone
Source Port - Any
Destination Port - HTTP Ports - port set

Application name - firefox.exe
Action - Ask
Protocol - TCP
Direction - Out
Source Address - Any
Destination Address - Any
Source Port - Any
Destination Port - HTTP Ports - port set

It’s important the rule with the network zone is above the general rule, as the rules are read from the top down.

This will work, but as i said, you’ll need to do some work gathering the IP addresses of the web sites you wish to restrict and then building the zone, it will be even more difficult with sites that use virtual hosting and multiple IP blocks.

Edit: Just a thought, if the number of web sites you ‘trust’ and are happy to allow without a prompt, are relatively few, you could create the rules the other way around. In this case, the network zone would contain your ‘allowed’ sites and would have a rule that didn’t ask, everything else could be set to ask…

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