Please, please, please help

I have this problem, and I can’t find it addressed anywhere on this forum (please help, it’s got me tearing my hair out)

When I try to uninstall it says…

“The procedure entry point _CreateFramework@0 could not be located in the dynamic link library framework.dll”

Bear in mind I don’t have any experience dealing with issues of this kind, and I have no money at all to buy specialist software.

Thanks in advance

I might add, the “for novice users” uninstall thing is way, way waaaaay over my head.


hi novice,

First what version of Windows did you install it on ?
Second Why do you want to uninstall ? (did the installation fail or so ?)

and i also found this, maybe that helps;prev_next=next

Instead of uninstalling Comodo why don’t you tell us your problem and why you want to uninstall one of the best free firewalls out there.