Please Help

I have a brand new desktop with windows7 pro all updates

I installed comodo firewall, custom settings without geek buddy and without comodo dragon. 60% thru installing it said it needs to reboot to finish installing. when computer restarts, I keep getting this Comodo Security Agent could not be started … no matter how many times I reboot …and comodo isn’t in the uninstall programs so I cant uninstall it… I uninstalled antivir just in case it was the prob… actually what the message says is comodo security agent could not be started would you like to run diagnostics tool to fix this error. when I click on window to fix error it ends up making an error file. thankyou

This definitely sounds like something went wrong with the installation. Please try reinstalling it by following the advice I give in this post. Let me know how that goes and if it’s able to work fine after that.


I have partially fixed problem. I got the error windows to stop opening when I reboot. I went into c/programs and seen the comodo folder there and deleted it. But as far as reinstalling comodo im scared to try again. I have been using comodo firewall for about 10 years on my old desktop and cant stand the thought of not having it.

These sort of problems are usually caused by conflicts from leftover files, either from CIS or other security programs. The advice I give in my topic has been able to help a large number of users safely reinstall CIS, even after problems like yours. I would advise that you give it a try. If something goes wrong, you can always boot into safe mode and run the removal tool I link to. That will be able to safely remove it, even if Windows wouldn’t boot.