"PLEASE HELP" with Add-on> ESigil.dll

I appologize if this is in the wrong section…Posibly it should be in “Verification Engine” section. (:SAD)
Recently I have been unable to effectively view my Capital One Website to monitor account or interact with customer service… Internet Explorer keeps closing with following message:

Internet Explorer has encountered a problem with an Add-on and needs to close. (:AGY)
The following Add-on was running when the problem occured.

Add-on Name: ESigil.dll
Company Name: Comodo CA Limited
Add-on Description: Enables Content Verification

I am running Internet Explorer 7 and CPF v. (B)

I would greatly appreciate some direction from one of our ‘Great Mods’ with this issue; as obviously I need to have access to this Website and all its relative links :SMLR

Thanks in advance (:KWL)