Please help if i can remove these files?

I just went from kaspersky to comodo and I don’t understand what I can remove and what not…
I did initial scan and i got reports that these files are malware

c:/program files/onair/onair.exe - this is a ‘now playing’ app for skype and its not a virus…dont know why it finds it? it says suspicious #2jqvs8dzk6eup - what do these numbers mean?

and i got detected these as malware;


what are these and its safe to remove them? I was always told by people I shouldnt mess and remove any files that are in windows folder to not crash it…so please help!

I remember last time after comodo cleaned my home pc of files in windows folder i got bluescreen soon, so I really need advice what are these and if its safe to remove them and anything that is reported in the future from windows folder?

thanks a lot.

What I would recommend is that for now do not remove them. Upload them to Comodo as false positives to analyze. To do that please use this form.

Comodo staff will analyze the files and let you know via email whether they are actually dangerous or not. If they are found to be false positives they will fix the error on their end, and thus they will not be detected on your computer.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.



thank you, how do you mean by upload them? I write them down like i did now?

btw, I just got BSOD, I used kav to remove leftovers of my kaspersky 2011,2013 and 2014 and I don0t know if that affcted it…the same thing happened to my home pc last time when I used kav remover for these and after installed Comodo IS, so I hope comodo didn’t make me this blue screen?

the error in blue screen was win2k.sys

after restart i went into safe mode and used registry mechanic to clean my system and then i came back into windows…I just hope it doesn’t pop again…last time my home pc did that BSOD i had to reinstall everything and I’m really hoping Comodo isnt at fault :frowning:

On the page I linked to in my previous post select the option for “False Positive”. Then click on the button for “Choose File”. Then navigate to one of the files in question and select that as the file to upload. Do this for each of the files you are not sure about.

okay i will do, thanks a lot for yourhelp :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Let me know what they say. If all is good, and the BSOD continue, then please create a new topic specific to the BSOD and we’ll see if we can figure that out as well.
