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Here you will have access to the world’s best security experts to help you learn all about Computer security!

feel free to ask!


Here you will have access to the world’s best security experts to help you learn all about Computer security!

feel free to ask!


yeah ok i had some body hack my computer threw my space with something called malware,trogen and i guess they used my enternet exployer to monitor well i was going to report but they already wiped there activite from my personal e-mail i got all the software and firewalls and virus killers etc,etc, defraged scaned changed passwords but and removed old software but i still have this stupid window pop up about a networm-i.virus@fp and something about files and i’m getting these ad’s to by software but there comeing from the same host but my new software says my computer is free from infection?can u help resolve this and help me report or catch this ■■■■■■ thanks Jay

Well it seems as if, your machine is still infected!

You can go to the Malware cleaning section of the Comodo Anti virus and put a post there and we’ll help you there to get rid of this.


IM not sure if this is the wright place to post this, but I asked a question in Phishing victim why see how Comodo can —. My question was is it possible to have an option to be able to turn VE off from the system tray so as it is not running in the background taking up resourses when it is not needed. I was asked to go to VE wishlist but was unable to find the subject. (R)

Thanks Nessy90

Is there a way to prevent site scraping?

I received a number of warnings after my HackerGuardian scan. Is there a place to find solutions to warnings?

Hi since installing commodo verifation service I can not complete applications for example: show tickets! you know towards the end of your online purchase there is a wobbly verification word they ask you to copy and insert? well every time I do that then I just get blocked! over and over again so now unable to make purchases online! is there a way round this without having to unistall the verification engine as I do like the assurance that gives me? Ive been told it could be something to do with phishing which I admit I know nothing about so can you advise what that is to pls!!

finjack, you’ve already posted this question here:,7207.0.html

Please do not post the same question multiple times.


sorry when I looked it had all gone!!

There’s a Show unread posts since last visit link that’s at the top of the forum next to your profile as well as the Mark Unread button at the top of each topic in case you want to keep keep it “refreshed”. That way, you won’t “lose” your way :slight_smile:


It should be as simple as removing it from the startup list…

Go to Start/Run, type in “msconfig”; go to the Startup tab, find the entry for VE, uncheck it, and click “Apply.” Then close and on next reboot, it won’t load at startup (thus, it won’t be in the systray).

Not sure how it works with all browsers, but with Firefox, it is enabled as a plugin/extension, and automatically runs w/FF.



I have the problem as well. I will attach the log file to see if that helps you fix this problem. AVG 7.1 and 7.5 do not ID these files as a virus. They are two updates to best of my knowledge. Hope this helps.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi Mark,
These detected files are have capability of remote administration and hence these are detected. Other AVs are also detecting it. You can varify it by scanning the file from virustotal (

If you want to use these files, you can exclude them from scanning

To exclude files/folders from scanning, do the followings
1.Go to main window->Settings->On Demand->Advanced->What items to exclude->Select. Then selects files/folders to exclude from scanning.
2.Go to main window->Settings->On Access->Advanced->What items to exclude->Select. Then selects files/folders to exclude from scanning.

Thanks & regards

Thank you for this opportunity!

I would like to ask about rootkits, which I think are some very small programs hiding deep down in the system. But I don’t know what they are capable of. Are these threats serious? Does Comodo (Firewall or AV perhaps) prevent from rootkits?

As I heard of a free anti-rootkit called Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.2, I tried it and it has now searched through my system (XP with CPF and avast). Now I’m a bit concerned because it actually found a non-removable, hidden registry key: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\d347prt\Cfg\0Jf40
Do you have any idea at all what this is about? My only idea is that I’ve used the Neowin UXTheme patch to open up for other Windows themes than just the original Microsoft theme “Luna”. The patch makes changes to Windows system files, maybe this is the reason? ???

I’m not an expert, so ignore this post if you don’t mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

Destructive? Potentially. Look at the Sony deal. CFP 3 will prevent it because of HIPS. CAV currently should because it already has HIPS.

I also used Neowin patch for extended Windows themes, but I don’t have this registry key (or maybe it’s not visible with regedit.exe?). I discovered that it’s Daemon tools / Alcohol120%, so you’re off the “hook” lol.

Remember that with any security scanner there could be false positives. As with anti-rootkits, they could detect legitimate rootkits / hooks as well, so watch out for that.

Thank you Soya for your answer. I’ve read something about the Sony stuff, will check it further!

You’re right about DAEMON Tools, because this has been confirmed in another forum where I posted a message yesterday. And it should be harmless.

Now, more rootkits: After my message here yesterday, I scanned with Spybot. It only found some logs, of which one belonged to Media Player Classic from Gabest. I removed this, and “just for fun” I made another scan with Sophos Anti-Rootkit, which actually listed another rootkit that referred to this Gabest thing. Quite strange I think, but I suppose it’s harmless too.

By the way, isn’t the Neowin patch a very smart thing to make Windows look nicer? :slight_smile:

I think it’s more false positives than strange. Don’t rely on one anti-rootkit scanner. Rootkits are the newest breed of malware, so it’s better to try more anti-rootkits if you’re so interested. I also have MPC and Gabest is its developer :P. You can also see associated files with MPC in CFP’s Component Monitor.

Hopefully it isn’t the cause of other “unexplained” issues with CFP, but no doubt it’s necessary to ease the eyes :o. Why Windows would limit to just a few themes (that isn’t even beautiful) is beyond me.

Ok, good to know that there is protection available :slight_smile:

As for Windows styles and CPF problems, there is at least one issue: when resizing the title bar (well, you don’t even need any patch to do this!), the UI title bar of CPF becomes black and the three buttons on the right disappears (but the functionality of the buttons remains). When maximizing the window, the title bar becomes transparent instead! However it becomes normal if you reboot (still with the new title bar size). Really not a big issue, but I’ve posted a ticket to Comodo anyway, which they have responded to. They will try to solve it for CPF version 3. Perhaps you have noticed this too, since you obviously change themes (and thereby probably also title bar size)?
