Pinned IceDragon duplicates icon in taskbar

I’ve Googled and found an old post re portable Dragon behaving like this, but this is IceDragon installed on my hard drive.

I have IceDragon installed on 3 Windows 7 64-bit laptops and they all behave the same.

When I open IceDragon by clicking on the pinned icon, another icon appears on the taskbar. None of my other browsers behave like this. It may not look it to you :wink: but my taskbar is carefully organised and IceDragon is being a nuisance. I have tried unpinning and re-pinning but it hasn’t helped. How can I make IceDragon stop doing this please?

Hi and welcome clemenzina,
Pin the newly created icon and then unpin the original.

Kind regards.

Thank you CaptainSticks :P0l - it’s worked! I’ve even rebooted and it’s still as it should be. I am so grateful, these little things make all the difference.

That is good to hear. :-TU
Simple little things are often the best. :wink:

Kind regards.

I have (superficially) the same issue under Windows 10. Unfortunately the suggested workaround does not work for me. Icon duplication under Windows 7+ appears to be a more general problem, as the following discussion shows: windows 7 - Some taskbar pinned icons are duplicated when an instance of the application is running - Super User

A user in that other discussion had the same problem with Eclipse on Windows 10, and the old workaround didn’t work there, either. What did work was starting Eclipse in Windows Vista compatibility mode. But I am afraid that might be a pretty stupid thing to do with IceDragon, since it would probably introduce some unnecessary security risks.