permanently "System is trying to create a new file or directory" notification


on my Win10 mashine I am always getting alert “System is trying to create a new file or directory”. I am on safe mode in D+ and the alert comes every time I start the computer, even if I always remember the rule. The file in the alert is showing to C:
I think something with the Windows predefined rules is wrong. Where exactly should I have to look in the D+ settings?

thanks for answering

Hi cska133,

Thank you for reporting.
Kindly check and share us the hips logs for which application/file is trying to create a new file or directory.


You are using create rules for safe applications which causes rules to sometimes get deleted, including the default rule for System on restart or shutdown.

Can you explain how and where to do this please?

Is this a question, a suggestion or a statement?
I have to check if enabled. If yes - how to prevent the rule for System being deleted on restart/shutdown? Is there a fix

It is a known bug and the only fix so far is to disable that option.

So if i disable this option, then the System rules in Hips will be safed and want be delete after reboot, did i unterstand right?