PC & Game freezes


I love Comodo, but my wife loves Sky Bubbles de Luxe and she’s been playing this game for months now.
After installing the version 3 firewall, the game and pc freezes and turning it off seems to be the only solution.
I tried different settings, adding the game’s exe-file as trusted, turning off Defence +,but this didn’t work.
Only thing that does is turning off the firewall
Suggestions are welcome!

thanks a lot,

Have you tried removing all of the rules for the games files in both firewall and defense+ settings and then temporarily turning both firewall and defense+ to Training Mode whilst it ‘learns’ what the game needs? This has worked for me for a few applications including Real Arcade.


Thanks N.T.T.W. for the tip, although I’m not an advanced player, I thinks it works, but I’ll have my wife testing it longer.
Your tip might be useful for my review too!
